Renata Vranyczany Azinović, Penguin with Baby , 2005

Renata Vranyczany Azinović
Penguin with Baby , 2005
24 x 13 x 15 cm

Renata Vranyczany Azinović (1950) began her art education, studying painting with Prof. Vjera Lalin from 1986 to 1989. During 1987 and 1988, she perfected ceramics with Ivana Jelačić, and she studied small plastic art consultatively with Prof. Branko Ružić (1988–1989). Her work is focused on depicting marginal creatures, endangered species, statuses, and conditions, exploring humanistic themes through a cheerful form. Her works often have both ceramic and bronze versions.
"Penguin with Baby" from 2005 is a sculpture of smaller dimensions, made in bronze, that depicts a penguin with a cub. Highlighting not only the beauty and tenderness of these creatures but also their vulnerability in the context of climate change that threatens their survival, suggesting animal otherness in relation to humans. Depicted as a simple, oval form with subtly indicated heads and limbs, it represents a solid, stable entity despite its vulnerability. At the same time, the work reminds us of the urgency of preserving natural habitats and caring for all species that share our planet. Reflecting the humanistic dimension of Vranyczany Azinović's artistic expression, it offers a thoughtful commentary on social responsibility and environmental awareness.

Text: Marta Radman, curator of the National Museum of Modern Art © National Museum of Modern Art, Zagreb
Translated by: Marta Radman
Photo: Goran Vranić © National Museum of Modern Art, Zagreb

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