The National Museum of Modern Art supports the #itisnottoolate Morske Livade project and invites you to help by voting on the New European Bauhaus platform https://prizes.new-european-bauhaus.europa.eu/?etrans=hr from March 6 to 27, 2024 that this project, and with it Karin, Obrovac and Zadar become New European Bauhaus Champions.
#ItIsNotTooLate Morske Livade - the only Croatian project chosen among 50 finalists in a competition of 530 projects from all over Europe for the New European Bauhaus Champions 2024 #NewEuropeanBauhaus award in the Reconnecting with nature category https://morskelivade.com/projekt-itisnottoolate-morske.. ./
You can find out more about the project and its values at: https://morskelivade.com
#itIsNotTooLate - Seagrass Beds Showreel
#itIsNotTooLate - Seagrass Beds Film