The National Museum of Modern Art - since 1934 is located in the Vranyczany Palace, one of the most beautiful historicist palaces in Zagreb. It was designed by the Viennese architect Otto Hofer and built by Baron Ljudevit Vranyczany-Dobrinović. Vranyczanys moved in the palace in May of 1883.

Luxurious two-storey house consists of north and east wings, connected by a portico with loggia, which offers the most beautiful view of Zrinjevac. It was adorned with a fairytale park with lawn and flowers, swimming pool with golden fish and a heated winter garden. The most representative space was the Baron's apartment on the first floor, to which led the monumental marble staircase. The apartment had an octagonal lobby, an oval hall for receptions, concerts and social events, a smoking and games room and a rich library. The palace was entered through a wrought-iron door, work of Zagreb master Antun Mesić, designed by architect Kuna Weidman. The furniture was also representative, presenting the essence of Venetian charm and Viennese fashion of the time, and the palace was adorned with numerous works of art, including the bust of patron, Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer.

After the First World War, in 1921, Baron Vranyczany sold the palace to the entrepreneur Milan Prpić, after which it changed ownership on several more occasions. By the end of 1939, the palace became the property of the Banovina of Croatia, which bought it for the National Museum of Modern Art. By the decision of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of Croatia in 1947, the Museum passed from the competence of the Ministry to the administration of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts. As an 'independent cultural organization of associated labor', the Museum regained its independent status on February 4th, 1974, and as such was introduced in the court register of the District Commercial Court in Zagreb.

Pursuant to the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Act (OG 34/91), the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts was entered in the land register of the City of Zagreb in 1992 as the owner of the palace, thus turning public property into 'private' property.

Vranyczany Palace has been listed as a cultural monument since 1963. The last renovation of the interior for the contemporary museum function was designed by architect Željko Kovačić, and was carried out in 2005.

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