On 13 April 2022, the National Museum of Modern Art hosted the second visit of the protégés from the Centre for Autism. The school group, accompanied by the Centre’s professional staff, visited the exhibition Machine in the Garden, and then participated in an art workshop designed especially for them. They found the work Texas Truck of the contemporary Croatian artist Jadranka Fatur, by far the most impressive, which they used as an inspiration for drawings with wooden crayons.

The NMMA would like to thank the Centre for Autism and its protégés for regular visits, recognising the importance of art in their creative development.
Illustrations: Jadranka Fatur, Texas Truck, 1983 – 1984, oil on canvas, 143.5 x 153.5 cm. MG- 4269

Photo: Goran Vranić © National Museum of Modern Art Zagreb, 2022
Drawings of protégés from the Centre for Autism inspired by Jadranka Fatur’s work Texas Truck from the NMMA collection. Photo: from the NMMA archives © National Museum of Modern Art Zagreb, Zagreb, 2022. The NMMA would also like to thank the Centre for Autism for their kind permission to publish the photographs of drawings their protégés made in the art workshop held on 13 April 2022, at the NMMA in Zagreb.

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