On 6 April, the National Museum of Modern Art, in collaboration with the Centre for Autism, has marked the World Autism Awareness Day. A group of adult users from the Centre for Autism, accompanied by professional staff, participated in a guided tour and art workshop at the exhibition “Machine in the Garden”. Guided tour through the exhibition brought the motif of the machine in modern art closer to the group of users and encouraged a conversation about the artworks. It was followed by an art workshop that included a free interpretation of Ivan Picelj’s work Naru 2 from 1969.
The NMMA pedagogue, Iris Poljan conducted both the guided tour and the art workshop.
For more on the visit, see Stanka Pinjuh’s review: https://centarzaautizam.hr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1256:obiljezavanje-svjetskog-dana-svjesnosti-u-nacionalnom-muzeju-moderne-umjetnosti&catid=35&Itemid=169&lang=hr
Photos: Stanka Pinjuh, Centre for Autism © Centre for Autism